How to represent a Query String in PHP

As all web developers know, the Query String represents a set of key-values in the URI which is generally used to include optional parameters for a HTTP request.

To be precise, the query string is simply a string, in the following format:


In fact, keys are required, but values are optional.


These value-less keys could be interpreted by the server as flag keys, or true keys, but it may also represent that the value is an empty string.

Officially, you may include duplicate keys in the query string, e.g. ?key=hello&key=goodbye
However, I strongly recommend that you do not build your web applications to use duplicate query string keys!

A better way to think about the query string is as a dictionary of string keys and string values.

In this way, from the server's perspective, the query string, if it were an object, would implement IReadOnlyStringDictionary (see my other post about this interface!).

The Query String in PHP

In PHP, the query string may be accessed through $_GET, $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] or $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].

$_GET['key'] - the superglobal $_GET array provides easy access to the query string, but there are a few quirky things out of the box which give unexpected results.

The $_GET paradox

$_GET is a real pain in the butt. Out of the box, PHP's $_GET superglobal array actually functions as a multidimensional array with basically unlimited dimensions (array depths) which causes big problems if a user passes in a malicious query string with a series of [] (square brackets) or [0], [1], [2], etc. or even [index], [other_index] indexes after the keys. This creates a real can of worms!

For example:
...produces the multidimensional array as follows:

array(1) {
array(4) {
string(4) "some"
string(5) "other"
array(2) {
string(4) "pain"
array(1) {
array(1) {
array(1) {
string(4) "test"
array(2) {
string(6) "things"
string(8) "happened"

On your marks... get set... terrible. Don't use $_GET, period. Not if you want to keep your sanity.

Alternatives to $_GET

$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] - provides the actual query string, minus the preceding "?" (question mark).

$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] - provides the full request URI after the host, which may or may not include the query string.

A word of warning in PHP

Data in $_GET is url decoded by default. But both $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] and $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] are both url encoded - that is to say, they display the original query string as sent by the browser to the server.

Other languages

JavaScript - the query string is accessed in the variable;

.NET Core - the namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http includes the HttpContext class, which provides a .Request property (HttpRequest class) that has both .Query and .QueryString properties for easy access to the query string.

Source code for a QueryString in PHP

PHP does provide a http_build_query() method, but honestly speaking I don't use it. It allows for multi-dimensional arrays, which in my opinion, do not belong in the query string.

Instead, I've developed my own QueryString class as follows:


namespace ACA\Text\URI
use ACA\Collections\IReadOnlyStringDictionary;

* Query string in a URI
* @author Antony Charles Allen
* @since 27th July 2020
class QueryString implements IReadOnlyStringDictionary
* Query string key values
* @var string[]
private array $array = array();

public function IsEmpty() : bool
return count($this->array) === 0;

public function KeySort() : bool
return ksort($this->array);

function offsetGet($offset) : string
$offset = (string)$offset;

$value = '';

if ($this->TryGetValue($offset, $value))
return $value;
else throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Offset [$offset] not found in ".self::class);

public function __construct(string $query)
if (preg_match('/^\?([^#]*)$/', $query, $matches))
$query = preg_replace('/^\?[&\?]+/', '?', $query);

do {
$query = str_replace('&&', '&', $query, $count);
while ($count > 0);

$query = substr($query, 1);

$query = urldecode($query);

$pairs = explode('&', $query);

foreach ($pairs as $pair)
if (strlen($pair) === 0) continue;

if ($pair === '=') continue;

if (preg_match('/^([^=]+?)(=(.*))?$/', $pair, $matches))
$key = $matches[1];
$value = '';

if (array_key_exists(3, $matches) && strlen($matches[3]) > 0)
$value = $matches[3];

$this->Add($key, $value);
else throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unable to process pair [$pair] in query string!");
else throw new \InvalidArgumentException("String [$query] is not a valid query string!");

function ContainsKey(string $key) : bool
return array_key_exists($key, $this->array);

function offsetExists($offset) : bool
return $this->ContainsKey($offset);

public function ValueOf(string $key) : string
if (!$this->ContainsKey($key)) throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The key [$key] was not found in the query string!");

return (string)$this->array[$key];

public function RemoveKey(string $key) : bool
if (!$this->ContainsKey($key)) return false;


return true;

public function Add(string $key, string $value = '') : void
if ($key !== urldecode($key)) throw new \Exception("The key [$key] appears to be URL encoded!");

if (!is_null($value) && $value !== urldecode($value)) throw new \Exception("The value [$value] appears to be URL encoded!");

$this->array[$key] = $value;

public function __toString() : string
$str = '?';

foreach ($this->array as $k => $v)
if (strlen($str) > 1) $str .= '&';

$str .= urlencode($k);

if (!is_null($v) && strlen($v) > 0)
$str .= '='.urlencode($v);

return $str;

function Keys() : array
return array_keys($this->array);

function Values() : array
return array_values($this->array);

function TryGetValue(string $key, string & $value) : bool
if (!$this->ContainsKey($key)) return false;

$value = $this->ValueOf($key);

return true;

As always, please feel free to use and abuse this code, have fun with it and spread the word, and please, don't forget to support me! 😊
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